Women’s Ministry

Hi Friends, I want to welcome you to our women’s ministry here at Harvest, where God’s Word is central in all we do and our desire is to foster discipleship.  I invite you to join in our bible study, attend future events that will be posted here, volunteer, or just reach out for prayer and a listening ear.  Always feel free to reach out to me through email at sonia@harvestmemphis.org.

Sonia Watkins | Women’s Director

Connect with Women’s Ministry



Single Career Women’s Event: Calling all Single Career Ladies!

Please join us Thursday, February 20 at 6pm for dinner and fellowship.  Terri Porter will be speaking on women in the workplace, how to live out your faith, and being a good steward of the season of life you are in.  We will meet in the fellowship hall and hope you will invite many friends!  This event is free and you can register here!

Living Waters Gathering: February 2025

Details Coming Soon!

Spring Bible Study 2025

Tuesday Evenings & Wednesday Mornings

Come join us for the Spring semester of Women’s Bible Study!  I hope you will come along with us as we seek to worship and grow in the knowledge of God in a  discipleship community.  Our study is The Rise and Fall of Solomon, which centers around 1 Kings chapters 1-11, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes.  In this eleven-week study we will explore how true wisdom is not merely intellectual but also moral, how it gives us insight into the character of God, and how God gives His wisdom to anyone who asks.  We will also look at how to speak with wisdom, act with wisdom, and preserve in wisdom.  Through this study we will learn some precious truths about the character of God, and we will see His great faithfulness in keeping His promises.  We will learn what it means to be wise and walk by faith (paraphrased from John MacArthur).

Have you ever desired to live a more fulfilled life?  Are you unsure where wisdom is found?  Do you need answers to some of life’s most challenging questions?  Answers to these questions can be found as we seek a “wise and understanding heart” from the Lord (1 Kings 3:7-12) and apply these truths to everyday life (Proverbs) by fearing God and keeping His commandments(Ecclesiastes 12:13).

You have an option of choosing Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 or Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 (childcare available*).  We will meet in the worship center for song and praise followed by corporate teaching and small group time.  You also have the option of choosing your small group leader.  At the registration link you will see a list of leaders/groups and descriptions to help you understand the make-up of each group.  If you do not have a preference, we will be glad to help navigate this. 

Please go to Amazon to purchase your workbook: The Rise and Fall of Solomon

*Childcare is available on Wednesday mornings for children 5 years old in August or born after 8/1/2019. Please note that there is no childcare available Tuesday nights, but we do have a limited number of childcare reimbursements available for single moms or others who attend Tuesday nights and need financial assistance. For more information, please email jessica@harvestmemphis.org.

Bible Study Live-Stream

Teaching Archive

If you would like to pray or talk with someone during this time of struggle, please do not hesitate to reach out to us through the link below, and we would be happy to connect with you or connect you to one of our ladies.