
At Harvest Church, we believe that the Christian life is not meant to be lived in isolation. Rather, it is meant to be lived in community (Acts 2:42, Hebrews 10:24-25). In fact, we believe God has placed in every believer a desire to learn, grow, serve, pray, worship, and invest with other believers. That is why we believe church membership is a very important, healthy, and natural response to the Gospel at work in the life of every Christian. When understood properly, church membership is an incredible privilege and a blessing for the follower of Christ, who seeks to grow in the Lord. The regular gathering of believers, committed to one another, for the purpose of worship, teaching, prayer, fellowship, and the sacraments, is a vital part of the discipleship process of every believer. Therefore, membership is a meaningful part of the growth of every Christ-follower, yet it is also an equally meaningful part of the life of a healthy church.

God has gifted every one of us uniquely that we might not only “run with perseverance the race marked out for us,” but also encourage and sharpen one another to remain in Christ, and to live out our calling in Christ, so that together we form one “Body” amidst our diversity, bonded together by Christ. What unites us far outweighs that which might otherwise divide us, and together we are stronger in our common mission of making the Gospel known throughout the Earth! Because of these realities, we commit to one another in a meaningful and sacrificial way, called membership, in which we covenant together to love one another, bear each other’s burdens, pray for one another, serve one another, invest in one another’s lives, and give of ourselves for the growth of one another in Christ.

We believe that when a church has a vibrant, meaningful, and healthy view of membership, its people will operate from humility, in gentleness, with patience, and with “unity of the Spirit in the Bond of peace”, and the result will be a visible expression of the love of Christ and the transforming power of the Gospel. For this reason, we exhort anyone serious about the Gospel to seek membership in a Gospel preaching local church. Everyone has a part to play in the life of the church, and membership at Harvest is our “on ramp” to being a real part of the vibrant expression of the Body of Christ seen in this local church.  The first step toward membership at Harvest is attending Discover Harvest.

Discover Harvest

Discover Harvest is a class for those interested in learning more about what it looks like to be a fully-engaged member of Harvest Church. This is the first step in the membership process. You’ll hear our story, learn what makes Harvest Church unique among churches, find out precisely what we believe, and discover why and how we hope to be a Gospel-driven, disciple-making church!

Our next class will be Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 8:00am-11:30am in the Fellowship Hall! Follow the link below to register!

Members Meetings

Members meetings provide a time for us to briefly discuss what is happening in the life of our church family, including an update on worship, staff, local missions, foreign missions, etc., and to share specific needs and opportunities that have arisen. Also, elders and deacons will be nominated and subsequently voted on at members meetings.

These family meetings are important in keeping the church unified and encouraged in our mission, as we see and hear how the Lord is moving in us and through us for His glory. We have four meetings a year.

Requirements for Membership

  • Be a baptized follower of Jesus Christ

  • Attend Discover Harvest

  • Give a credible testimony of faith in Jesus Christ to one of our elders.

Contact us.

For more information on Discover Harvest, email