Welcome to Harvest Church! Harvest is a church where we love to worship God together, where the transforming message of the Gospel is preached weekly, where authentic community can be found, and where we are intentional about making disciples of Jesus Christ. We’d love for you to join us on Sunday mornings in person or via Live-Stream.
Location & Times
Church/Office Location:
3645 Forest Hill-Irene Rd Germantown, TN 38138
Sunday Morning Times:
9:00am (In-Person & via Live-Stream)
10:45am (In-Person& via Live-Stream)
Office Hours: (available by phone only)
Monday-Thursday (8:30am - 4:30pm) and Friday (8:30am - 11:30am)
Parking & Entrances
First Time at Harvest?
If you are attending Harvest for the first time, we ask that you see the volunteer in the check-in area to assist you with getting your children checked-in. You will fill out one of our registration forms then complete an orange check-in sticker for each of your children. You will put the top portion of the sticker on your child and bring the bottom portion with you when you pick up your child. After you have filled out this form, your child will be put into our electronic check-in system to make check-in easier in the future.
Harvest Kids
Harvest Kids Ministry asks all parents to check-in their children in the foyer in the back of the lobby. We use a touch-screen electronic check-in system to ensure the safety of your kids during drop-off and pickup.
Harvest Students
During the 9:00 service on Sunday mornings, all of our students are encouraged to participate in Sunday School. Junior High and High School students are split on Sundays.