Missions Pastor

My Story

I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was about 7.  I remember my whole family being present and explaining what Jesus did for me on the cross and why He had to do it.  I can also remember barely being tall enough to stand above the water in the Baptism tank at Central Baptist Church in Crossville, TN and of course the congregation got a great chuckle out of it.  Unfortunately it wasn’t until my late twenties before I discovered my true identity and purpose in Jesus Christ, but of course God is steadfast and patient with us and I am thankful for it.  Downline Ministries as well as some excellent men pouring into my life really lifted my walk with Christ and eventually the Lord called me to ministry while on a mission trip in Zambia Africa.  I left my career of being a professional forester to pursue pastoral work within the local church and God lead me and my family to work here at Harvest in the summer of 2018.  I am married to a fantastic godly woman named Candace and we have two wonderful children Ava and Luke - the blessing these three have on my life is second only to my relationship with Jesus.

My Hope For Harvest

My hope for Harvest is for it to be a place where Jesus Christ is exalted and glorified!  A place where lives are saved and transformed through the preaching of the Gospel and God’s Holy Word as well as a place where we learn to love and worship our Creator Savior King with all our heart, mind, body, and soul.