Local Missions
It is our commitment as a body of believers to share the love of Christ by developing and strengthening strategic partnerships within the greater Memphis area.
Listed below you will find our local partners, actively serving the least of these (the poor, the widow, the orphan, the sojourner, the oppressed - Psalm 146, Zech. 7:9-10, Matt. 25:34-36). We want to have compassion on those who are hurting, and consider it a great privilege to be able to respond in love to those around us in need, just as Christ has done for us.
Our hope is that, through these strategic partnerships, we would see souls saved through the power of the Gospel and lives changed by means of discipleship to the glory of God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Local Partners
Click the plus “+” icon next to the local partner to see their information. If you want to volunteer, click “I want to volunteer (Click Here)” on their tab and complete the form. For more questions, fill out the form at the bottom of this page to contact our missions ministry.
Men and Women's ministry with opportunities to become mentors of their Work Life and Faith & Finances courses, as well as providing meals and volunteering for mock interviews.
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WEBSITE: advancememphis.org
Neighborhood and family ministry with serving opportunities that include after school tutoring, adopting a school or an apartment community, and other group and individual ways to serve.
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WEBSITE: agapemeanslove.org
Literacy ministry aimed at addressing the literacy rate of Memphis through reading classes and after school Bible reading programs.
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WEBSITE: arise2read.org
Neighborhood ministry focused on serving the individuals with home visitations.
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WEBSITE: sosmemphis.org
Christian school providing education in the 38111 zip code. Serving opportunities include the prayer team, providing meals for their boarding houses, and other classroom sponsorship opportunities.
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WEBSITE: bcamemphis.org
Homeless ministry with opportunities for groups to provide meals and minister to those seeking shelter and a warm meal.
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WEBSITE: calvaryrescue.com
Children's ministry with opportunities to volunteer and teach at various after school Bible clubs and camps.
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WEBSITE: cefmemphis.com
Christian Medical & Dental Associations conducts overseas medical projects through its mission arm, Global Health Outreach; coordinates a network of Christian doctors for fellowship and professional growth; sponsors student ministries in medical and dental schools; distributes educational and inspirational resources; hosts marriage and family conferences; provides Third World missionary doctors with continuing education resources; and conducts academic exchange programs overseas. By being the "hands of Jesus" to needy people, CMDA seeks to fulfill His Great Commandment (Matthew 22:39; 25:36) and His Great Commission (Matthew 28:19).
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WEBSITE: cmdamemphis.org
Campus ministry focused on engaging students at the local universities here in Memphis. Volunteering begins at the beginning of the school year and seeks to help international students transition to life in the US.
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WEBSITE: visamemphis.org
Neighborhood ministry with varying serving opportunities from afterschool programs to hands-on service projects.
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WEBSITE: eikonministries.com
FCA seeks to make disciples through engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same.
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WEBSITE: memphisfca.org
Youth ministry in Raleigh with opportunities to address food disparities by their "Feed the Block" program along with after school programs and camps.
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WEBSITE: ftkmemphis.com
Women and Men's ministry focused on serving parents considering alternative pregnancy options.
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WEBSITE: lifechoicesmemphis.org
LifeWise works with public schools to integrate a Bible class into their weekly class schedule so that any community can offer Bible education to their public school students during school hours.
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WEBSITE: lifewise.org
Neighborhood ministry with a variety of serving opportunities like after school tutoring, various hands-on service projects, and providing meals for various events.
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WEBSITE: kingdomcommunitybuilders.org
Vehicle ministry with opportunities for those with a mechanical background, anyone willing to meet and greet people, or washing cars.
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WEBSITE: midsouthhopegarage.org
Neighborhood ministry with a variety of serving opportunities from tutoring, to after school programs, to entrepreneurial seminars.
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WEBSITE: ncclife.org
Women's ministry focused on serving women considering alternative pregnancy options.
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WEBSITE: onebyoneusa.org
International ministry focused on the needs of asylum seekers in Memphis. Volunteering opportunities include English tutoring, assisting with travel with families, and after school tutoring. Includes hands-on service projects for building renovations.
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WEBSITE: refugeememphis.com
Family oriented ministry with a mission of blessing families whose children are recovering from life threatening diseases and illnesses through gift baskets, crafts, letters, meals, and other loving opportunities.
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WEBSITE: spreading-sunshine.com
Su Casa works to create a place where our Latino immigrant neighbors can learn, grow, and pursue their self-determined goals to connect with the broader Memphis community.
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WEBSITE: sucasamemphis.org
Urban Community Ministries endeavors to be a beacon of light offering educational assistance, life skills development, and a safe haven for families in South Memphis.
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WEBSITE: ucmmemphis.org
World Relief is a global Christian humanitarian organization whose mission is to boldly engage the world's greatest crises in partnership with the church. They envision thriving, welcoming communities where families flourish, and people experience restorative relationships with God, their neighbors, themselves, and all creation. World Relief’s work in the United States, specifically, focuses on helping refugees and other immigrants in vulnerable situations rebuild their lives in a new country.
I want to volunteer (Click Here)
WEBSITE: worldrelief.org/memphis
Contact us.
Want to know about our local partners and how to help? Fill out the short contact form.