Harvest Children’s Ministry Policies and Procedures
Our mission is to partner with parents in their responsibility to provide a spiritual foundation that gives children a secure love, a significant purpose, and a strong hope that leads children towards a love for the Lord.
Child/Volunteer Protection
There are to be two volunteers in a room at all times
Classroom doors should remain open unless class is “in session” and outside noise is obstructive to learning.
Drop off/Pick up
Parents should not enter the classroom unless authorized by a Harvest volunteer. We encourage a quick “goodbye” as it is much easier on the children.
All children should have on check-in sticker with their name on it (either a printed white sticker or an orange sticker meaning they are a visitor). If they do not have one, they need to return to the check-in area to receive one before entering the classroom.
Parents should label ALL items brought into the classroom. We ask that only necessary items be left with the child. (ie; diapers, wipes, pacifiers, bottles, comfort items, etc.) Children should not bring toys into the classroom.
The parent’s half of the check-in sticker is required when picking up the child from his/her room. Children will not be released to siblings under the age of 18 unless it is discussed with the teacher beforehand and the sibling has the parent’s sticker. If the parent’s sticker is misplaced, find a Harvest Children’s Ministry Staff Member or a driver’s license may be used for identification. For the safety of our children, these guidelines will be closely followed. ***THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT***
Restroom/Diaper Changing
For classrooms on the children’s hallway that have a bathroom attached to their classroom, an adult female volunteer will take the child to the restroom. The volunteer will stand at the doorway of the restroom unless assistance is needed by the child. All children should receive the minimum amount of assistance needed based upon their individual capabilities. If assistance is needed, one volunteer must stand at the main bathroom door with the door open while a second volunteer assists the child. Only the same gender should be in the restroom at the same time (In other words, do not allow a boy and girl to be in their using the restroom at the same time).
For classrooms on the children’s hallway that don’t have a bathroom attached, an adult female volunteer will take the child to the single bathroom located on the children’s hallway. The volunteer will stand outside the bathroom unless assistance is needed by the child. All children should receive the minimum amount of assistance needed based upon their individual capabilities.
Children wearing diapers should be changed during each service. Proper diaper changing techniques are posted at each changing station. As a safeguard and to prevent any abuse, suspicions or allegations, we require that only adult female volunteers be allowed to change diapers. Diapers should be changed in the presence of at least one other volunteer and latex gloves must be worn when changing diapers. A clean diaper changing paper should be utilized for each diaper change.
All diaper changes and bathroom assistance should be done by adult volunteers only. No youth volunteers should be changing diapers or assisting with taking kids to the bathroom.
Behavior/Appropriate Discipline
All children’s ministry volunteers are responsible for providing a loving, respectful, and orderly atmosphere in which children can learn, play, and interact with others. This atmosphere should be maintained by proactively directing children towards acceptable activities, verbally encouraging positive behavior, and, when necessary, correcting or redirecting inappropriate behavior.
Acceptable means of redirecting inappropriate behavior include correcting the child verbally, withholding a certain privilege or activity for a brief time or separating a child from the group for a brief time (particularly if this behavior is endangering or upsetting the other children)
Caregivers and staff should never yell, spank, or hit a child. If behavior is uncontrollable or if the child does not respond to the discipline measures above, find Children’s Ministry Staff member to help handle the situation.
Emergency Procedures
Fire Safety
Upon hearing the fire alarm, all workers/volunteers will proceed out of the room leading the class in an orderly fashion. Paying special attention to gather and keep count of all children in their care. Caregivers in rooms with cribs, should place children in cribs and roll them out of the classroom. Refer to posted diagram in classroom for where to go.
Parents may stay with their children, but should not take them until released by a Harvest Staff member.
Dangerous Intruder
In the event that there is an intruder in the building, calmly close the classroom door, lock the door, pull down the window covering down and take the children to the far side of the room furthest from the door. Remain there until a staff member comes to release you.
Medical Issues
Immediately report any medical needs or concerns to a Harvest staff member. The caregiver should remain calm and divert the attention of the other children. The staff member will contact parents and make the decision on what action needs to be taken.
For minor accidents, a first aid kit is located in each classroom. Always wear gloves when there is any abrasion to the skin.
Health Concerns
Children of any age should not be brought to church if any of the following symptoms have been experienced in the past 24 hours: fever or has been given medication to lower a fever, dark runny nose, constant cough, diarrhea, vomiting, discharge in or around the eyes, sore throat, unusual fatigue or questionable rash.
Volunteers should follow the same guidelines for staying home with any of the above symptoms.
If a child develops signs of illness, please notify a Harvest Children’s Ministry Staff Member so they can contact the parents.
Parents should alert caregivers to any food allergies before dropping off child.
A light snack (ie: goldfish, animal crackers, cheerios) and water will be provided for crawlers through 1st grade. Children should be seated when eating or drinking.
Responsibility of Harvest Kids Volunteers
Make all children and parents feel welcome. Greet them with a smile and by name whenever possible—Have FUN and enjoy the blessings around you!
Snacks will be placed in your room. Due to allergies and medical needs, any other food needs to be cleared by Children’s Ministry Staff.
Please make every effort to engage and comfort unhappy children by playing or rocking. If a child is inconsolable for more than 15 consecutive minutes, please notify a staff member.
In the event a volunteer cannot serve on their scheduled day, they should first try to find a replacement on their own. If they are not able to find one, a member of the Children’s Ministry should be contacted for assistance.
Thank you for accepting and abiding by these rules. We strongly feel that we can best love and meet the needs of all our children and parents by adhering to the above policies. Please fill out the form below if you have read and agree with the above policies: